Marta ENTRADAS, Iscte - Lisbon Univesrity Institute, Portugal
Pellegrini GIUSEPPE, Science in Society, Italy
John BESLEY, Michigan University , United States
Martin BAUER, London School of Economics (LSE), United Kingdom
Frank MARCINKOWSKY, Dusseldorf University, Germany
How are research institutes around the world communicating their research with society, what infrastructures do they have in place, and what drives the activity?
In recent years, we have witnessed a growing tendency within academic and research organisations to turn to the public; however, there is little systematic research on how this change is taking place, and how the activity is developing in different countries with varying public engagement traditions of science communication. The proposed panel will bring together researchers involved in the international project ‘MORE-PE’ Mobilisation of Resources for Public Engagement’ from different parts of the world – Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, and the United States— to discuss what role public communication is playing in research institutes in their countries.
Panel participants will briefly share the main findings on national patterns of institutional science communication, discuss current aspects in science communication research in this moving trend to increased public communication such as autonomy of science, excellence in research, shifting of resources from research to communication. After panelist presentations, the session will be opened to participants for discussion on national trends and assessment of the direction science communication is taking within institutions dominated by the PR (Public Relations) world.
Document 1 : Document 1
Document 2 : Document 2
Document 2 : Document 3