Catalan European Researchers’ Night - The magazine, new era, new formats!
Sílvia SIMON, Universitat de Girona, Càtedra de Cultura Científica i Comumicació Digital, Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi, Spain
Alsina NÚRIA, Universitat de Girona, Càtedra de Cultura Científica i Comumicació Digital, Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi, Spain
Solà MIQUEL, Universitat de Girona, Càtedra de Cultura Científica i Comumicació Digital, Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi, Spain
Duran JOSEP, Universitat de Girona, Càtedra de Cultura Científica i Comumicació Digital, Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi, Spain
Duran MIQUEL, Universitat de Girona, Càtedra de Cultura Científica i Comumicació Digital, Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi, Spain
La Nit Europea de la Recerca (#NitRecerCat) belongs to the European Researchers’ Night projects, where nearly 500 cities around Europe have a big festivity to bring the Researcher and Researchers close to society. #NitRecerCat was focusing on enhancing public recognition of researchers and their work, showing during 2020 that “Research for Change” and how research touches their lives, seeing clearly the benefits that mission-oriented EU research and Innovation brings to their daily lives and community. They can have clean air to breathe in congested cities, or live a healthy and independent life at all ages, to have access to digital technologies that improve public services or to have better and cheaper treatment of diseases like cancer or obesity that continue to affect billions of people across the globe. The main objectives were tackling the existing stereotypes, enhancing researchers' public recognition, discovering the “human face”, stimulating young people to choose scientific careers and embarking on research careers. Workshops, hands on experiments, talks, quizzes, etc were designed for young people and families to get closer to Researchers. The young people touch and make experiments, the parents ask the researchers, so it was a very interactive fair.
But, during 2020 the Pandemic did not allow us to celebrate such face to face activities. Recording experiments and showing them during the Night was the alternative, but so cold for a #NitRecerCat. In Girona city, the Càtedra de Cultura Científica i Comunicació Digital design a new format for Science Communication: The #NitRecerCat Magazine.
A four-hours magazine was designed during 27th November (the official European Researchers’ Night date, after postponing the fourth Friday of September). During the magazine we put together different tools which makes the people to be aware about different aspects related to Science and Research. It could be found:
- Young Science Communicator live games - Related to Science and Magic project #MagSci
- Experiments performed by Dani Jiménez ( commented by himself
- Experiments from home by Pep Duran (#Joemquedoacasa)
- Conduction by different members of the #MagSci project -
- Researchers participation showing their work -
- Interview to Researchers
- YouTuber #PonteBata presenting and explaining some experiments
The magazine can be found here ( initiative brings us an opportunity of designing a magazine per month, where different researchers participate explaining their work. This is a fresh way of communicating research, which is a very necessary tool for Researchers. Last, but not least, this fresh magazine gives a very good opportunity to young science communicators, who are being formed in our school, EJD (Escola de Joves Divulgadors).
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