Pauline HERVOIS, Université de Lorraine, France
Martin W BAUER, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Ahmet SUERDEM, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey
Michel DUBOIS, CNRS, France
Ahmet Suerdem (Bilgi University Istanbul and LSE)
Title: ‘Tell me what does it mean to study something scientifically’
Abstract: the recent survey ‘les Francais et al science 2020’ contained this title question and collected >3000 responses, literally transcribed. We will analyse these responses with semi-automatic methods and examines the meaning of science in modern day France, including the structure of the vocabulary used, and significant collocations of terms. This question was asked earlier already in 1989, which allows us to gage semantic change over the past 30 years.
Martin W Bauer (LSE)
Title: Gaging changes in the culture of science in France since the 1970s.
Abstract: the series of surveys on attitudes to science in France reaches back to 1972, which thereby constitutes the longest time-series of science attitude data in the world. We will examine these time-series items in relation to year and age cohorts, and examine how the culture of science might have changed over that period. As far as possible we characterise the culture of science with the PREK model (Bauer & Suerdem, 2016) considering indicators of Promise, Reserve, Engagment and Knowledge of science and their relationship.
Michel Dubois (CNRS)
Title: French attitudes to new developments in science
Abstract: the survey ‘Les Francais et la Science 2020’ examines people take on a number of current and future developments. We will examine how attitudes of optimism/pessimism stack up in the French universe, and these attitude relate to trust in science and its institutions.
Pauline Hervois (CREM, Université de Lorraine)
Title : Qu’est-ce que la science ? Représentations des Français?es
Abstract : La présente communication propose d’étudier la manière dont la science est perçue par les Franç, c’est-à-dire les représentations qu’ils ont de ce terme et la manière. L'étude repose sur l'analyse conjointe d’enquêtes conduites régulièrement depuis 1972 et d’entretiens menés sur la région Grand-Est.
L’analyse comportera une approche historique des perceptions depuis 1972. Elle proposera également une étude socio-démographique des représentations à partir de caractéristiques telles que l’âge, le sexe, le milieu professionnel ou encore la domiciliation. Ces analyses quantitatives seront complétées par l’analyse d’entretiens qui permettront de mieux saisir ces différences.